The IFRS Foundation has released the first three of 35 stand-alone modules designed
to provide support to anyone learning about, applying or reading financial statements
prepared using the IFRS for SMEs.
The modules can be accessed here:
The following is a summarised update of the main discussion and tentative decisions
taken by the IASB at its meeting on 24-25 April 2018.
For more details and comprehensive information on the IASB’s discussion
Primary Financial Statements
The board discussed the following topics:
- Clarifying the requirements for management performance measures
The Board tentatively decided that all entities shall identify a measure (or measures) of
profit or comprehensive income that, in the view of management, communicates to
users the financial performance of the entity.
a.If an identified measure is a subtotal or total required by paragraph 81A of IAS 1 (would
include the existing subtotals in that paragraph and the proposed new subtotals
developed as part of this project), an entity shall identify this measure.
b. If an identified measure is not a subtotal or total required by paragraph 81A of IAS 1, the
measure is a management performance measure and the following requirements apply:
i. a reconciliation should be provided in the notes between that measure and the
most directly comparable subtotal or total required by paragraph 81A of IAS 1;
ii. the measure should be labelled in a clear and understandable way so as not to
mislead users; and
iii. In addition, the following disclosures are required:
1. An explanation of how the measure provides useful information about an
entity’s financial performance; and
2. a statement that the measure provides management’s view of the entity’s
financial performance and is not necessary comparable with other
- Requirements for management-defined adjusted earnings per share in the
financial statements
The Board tentatively decided that if an entity identifies a management performance
measure, it is required to:
- disclose in the notes adjusted EPS calculated consistently with that management
performance measure. To calculate the numerator of adjusted EPS, an entity shall make
the following adjustments, and no other, to the management performance measure:
- i. add or deduct all income or expenses between the most directly comparable
subtotal or total required by paragraph 81A of IAS 1 and profit or loss attributable
to ordinary equity holders of the parent entity; and
- ii. if the management performance measure is a pre-tax and/or pre-non-controlling
interests measure, make further adjustments for the effects of tax and/or noncontrolling interests on the differences between the management performance
measure and the most directly comparable subtotal or total required by
paragraph 81A of IAS 1.
- disclose the effects of tax and non-controlling interests separately for each of the
differences between the numerator of adjusted EPS and the numerator of EPS.
The Board tentatively decided that:
- a. an entity should be prohibited from presenting adjusted EPS in the statement(s) of
financial performance.
b. an entity would continue to be permitted to disclose other adjusted EPS.
The Board will continue discussing topics within the project’s scope in future meetings.
Business Combinations under Common Control Research Project
The Board discussed two alternative approaches that are currently being developed for
a subset of transactions within the scope of the project. No decision was made and the
Board will continue its discussion about this topic at future meetings.
Goodwill and Impairment Project
The Board decided not to consider allowing any identifiable intangible assets acquired
in a business combination to be included within goodwill. To enable the Board to decide
on the next step, the Board directed the staff to perform a further analysis of this matter
and present it in a future meeting.
Dynamic Risk Management Research Project
The Board discussed the application of qualifying criteria to the target profile and the
dynamic nature of portfolios. No decision was made; however, the Board tentatively
decided that staff should continue developing the model and update the Board in a
future meeting.
Disclosure Initiative - Definition of Material
The Board discussed the comments received on the Exposure Draft Definition of
Material - Proposed amendments to IAS1 and IAS8. No decision was made and the
Board will redeliberate the proposals in the Exposure Draft in a future meeting.
Implementation Issues in IFRS Standards
The Board received an update on the January and March 2018 meetings of the IFRS
Interpretations Committee (IC) which was provided for information only.The details of
these IFRIC meetings are available at:
• January 2018:
• March 2018: